
The Inner Foundation was one of the first investors in Meela — today we’re proud to see them launch

Meela, a therapy service for women, by women, is launching today. As one of their earliest investor, The Inner Foundation is proud to support the push for more effective mental health treatments: “We are thrilled to see them officially launch and to be a part of their change-making journey.”

The Inner Foundation is helping to pave the way for more effective therapy for all as an early investor in the smart new therapy service Meela. After having drawn in 4.5 million SEK from various investors, Meela is formally launching today to give all women the opportunity to be paired with a therapist particularly suited for their needs. 

“Tiffany and Natali have banded together to create and optimize an innovative platform for both financial return and social change. We are thrilled to see them officially launch and to be a part of their change-making journey,” says Annika Sten Pärson, co-founder and partner of The Inner Foundation.

Meela’s matchmaking algorithm has already helped 400 women find their best fit, resulting in increased effectiveness of therapy treatments, which benefits both the patient and the therapist. Now, as they are aided by investments from The Inner Foundation and more, we look forward to seeing Meela’s impact grow.

“We are very proud to have The Inner Foundation's support and feel it's a perfect match since we share the same purpose of improving the state of inner health and fighting for a more inclusive world.

Meela’s mission is to help women heal and thrive by giving them personalized psychotherapy with their best-fit therapist—because we know that therapy with the right therapist can be, and we are not exaggerating, life-changing. By helping women become more healthy, we can create a healthier society.” says Natali Suo, co-founder and co-CEO of Meela.

For further information, please contact:

Natali Suo
Co-founder and co-CEO 
+46 70 485 15 70 

Annika Sten Pärson
Founder and Partner, The Inner Foundation
+46 73 439 06 40

Om Meela
Meela är ett svenskt femtech-bolag som specialiserar sig på individanpassad psykiatrisk vård genom att matcha kvinnor till deras bäst lämpade psykolog eller psykoterapeut. Meela har världens mest avancerade matchningsalgoritm som tar hänsyn till 43 kliniska datapunkter som ökar sannolikheten för en god terapeutisk relation mellan terapeut och patient. Hälften av alla som startar terapi avslutar sin behandling innan sin tredje session på grund av en svag terapeut-patientallians, Meela drar ned siffran till 2% - vilket resulterar i bättre behandlingsresultat för patienten och ökad lönsamhet för terapeuten.

Meela har Nordens största nätverk av privatpraktiserade legitimerade psykologer och psykoterapeuter, har vunnit flera utmärkelser, bland annat UNOPS For A Better Future, och fått bidrag från Vinnova. Bolaget har tagit in kapital från flera välrenommerade investerare, bland annat The Inner Foundation och The Case for Her.

About The Inner Foundation
The global social crisis is fundamental and requires a radical shift. The Inner Foundation (founded by Annika Sten Pärson and Pär-Jörgen Pärson) invests in both for profit and non-profit organizations that are ready to scale to improve the inner health for the many and strengthen inclusiveness, equity and diversity in society – uniting public, private and non-profit efforts to make sustainable human development happen.

We are witnessing a large gap between academic insight, best practice, and street-level action in the field of mental health and DEI. The Inner Foundation was created as a significant force for good – equal parts impact investor, grant giver, and thought leader. We consider ourselves part empowerers, part activists. We recognize the complexity and still, we aim for solutions that are simple, doable, and powerful. We set out to build an ecosystem of positive change agents with people and organizations that share our philosophy and theory of change. There are thousands of innovative solutions out there that carry the potential for counteracting the problems of loneliness, loss of direction, exclusion, and lack of diversity. Debilitating issues that are not getting addressed for real. We won’t rest until that happens.

For press and other inquiries